The answer is apparently obvious: dance! However, the girls ask: how many dances during the evening, how to perform these dance shows and of course how much will they earn on them. Today I will dispel all doubts – I will tell about the work of the dancer in the club from A to Z. In previous texts on the blog I have already described what the club’s interior looks like: usually there is one main hall and several private rooms. Dancers earn in 3 ways (simultaneously), and how much money they get depends basically on themselves. There is no glass ceiling here, experienced girls can earn up to several thousand zlotys in one night. What is the secret of their high earnings and how to use it for yourself? I’m cheating on you alread
Public show – way number 1
Each dancer performs 4 to 6 dance shows in the main hall during one night. This is the basic task of the girls, which guarantees them a financial basis, usually 50 euros / evening. In some clubs this rate is higher, but this amount is just the beginning of real earnings. The public show is an opportunity for dancers to show their skills to guests. So basically this dance is to open the way for you to much higher sums that you can earn for …
Sales of drinks and champagnes – number 2
One of the elements of the dancer’s work is also talking to clients. After the show, the girls sit at the tables and make contact with the club’s guests. And this creates another opportunity to earn. Customers buy drinks to the dancers, and they each receive a certain% (the amount depends on the club) of their sale. Champagne is particularly financially advantageous, which is why I always encourage girls from my team not to hesitate to offer guests their purchase. Alcohol stimulates fun together at the table, and gives you the opportunity to get to know the guest better. During the conversation, you can ask him, for example, what dance he likes and during the next show, just do it, then ask how he liked it. Good contact with the client and dance skills are a simple way to the last way to earn high earnings.
Private dances – number 3
Pamiętasz jeszcze o prywatnych pokojach, o których wspomniałam we wstępie? 😉 Klienci mogą poprosić dziewczyny o prywatny taniec – to, czy tancerka się zgodzi, zależy wyłącznie od niej. Właśnie dlatego wcześniejsze etapy: prezentacja umiejętności tanecznych i nawiązanie relacji z gośćmi są tak ważne. To właśnie one decydują, czy będziesz miała okazję do wykonania prywatnego tańca, a tym samym naprawdę wysokich zarobków. Sama również możesz proponować klientom pokazy prywatne – tutaj liczy się przede wszystkim pewność siebie.
A jeżeli teraz zastanawiasz się, jak wykonać taki taniec w pokoju prywatnym, mam dla Ciebie kilka wskazówek. 😉
First of all, start preparing while talking over a drink: ask about your preferences, moves, which of your dances he liked the most, etc. In this way you gain an advantage at the start, because you do not have to guess what a guy likes and what does not turn him on completely . Also during the dance, observe his reactions to individual positions, maintaining constant eye contact with him. You will quickly feel what he likes best.
I have prepared for you a short instructional video in which I discuss individual dance moves. This is a basic and effective system – you can definitely handle it!
And how? It was difficult? Remember that practice makes perfect. 😉 Practice these moves several times with your favorite music, and you will quickly feel confident and at ease in the dance.
And if you still have additional questions about how the dancer’s work in the club looks, click the “Contact” tab and write to me! I will share everything I know.
Katarzyna Hajduk :*